Monday, May 20, 2024


Smart, biodegradable food packaging helps fresh foods last longer

New smart and sustainable food packaging that keeps harmful microbes at bay.

Inexpensive, clear coating could make solar panels snow-resistant

The spray-on coating enables solar panels to generate up to 85% more energy in early testing.

Biodegradable e-ink designed for environmentally friendly 3D-printed electronics

New natural-source e-ink biodegrades once discarded.

Energy-saving glass self-adapts to heating and cooling needs

It automatically responds to changing temperatures by switching between heating and cooling.

New solar materials could usher in ultrathin, lightweight solar panel

New flexible, lightweight solar panel material is 15 times thinner than a piece of paper.

First FDA-approved eye drop to treat age-related blurry near vision

It offers a potential alternative to reading glasses for people affected by Presbyopia.

New renewable, recyclable material to replace fossil plastics

The new lignin-based materials can be casted into various shapes and used several times.

Researchers develop eco-friendly, reusable ice cubes that do not melt

The new jelly ice cube is not plastic and won't melt.

FarmSense Smart Trap helps farmers identify harmful insects in real-time

New technology automates the process of real-time insect classification and counting.

Popcorn could be an environmentally friendly, sustainable insulation

It could be a plant-based, environmentally friendly alternative to polystyrene or plastic products.

Sustainable, plastic-free glitter for use in the cosmetics industry

It’s made from the cellulose found in plants, fruits, vegetables, and wood pulp.

Coca-Cola unveils its first-ever bottle made from 100% plant-based plastic

With 100% plant-based beverage bottles, the company is aiming for the lowest possible carbon footprint.

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