Aircraft manufacturers have been using the same aircraft design for the past 60 years, with few exceptions. But the bonkers new jumbo jet concept is aiming to change that, especially when the aviation industry aims to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
The American company SE Aeronautics has launched its new super-efficient mid-market airliner concept. Called SE200, a 100% monocoque molded wide-body airliner is a new generation of aircraft. The innovative design is a more efficient, light-tri-wing configuration that greatly improves lift over drag, resulting in short take-off and landing (STOL) capabilities and extremely long flights. With a double tail fin and two engines mounted to the rear, the tri-wing design surpasses, at least on paper, in range and speed other aircraft in its class.
The futuristic-looking SE200 concept can carry up to 264 passengers at a speed of Mach 0.90 (690.5 mph) with a range of 10,560 miles (around 16,995 km). The company claims that its new aircraft design will lower fuel consumption by 70% and reduce CO2 emissions by 80% as measured by per seat kilometer.
The new concept plane will not have fuel storage in its wings, which is why the designers were able to focus on a thinner and more aerodynamic design. The fuel, in this case, is stored on a bladder on top of the fuselage, part of the aircraft’s singular design. In the event of an emergency landing over water, the aircraft floats.
The prototype has an integrated monocoque structure as a breakthrough for performance and safety. The design is made of one solid-molded piece of fuselage that is many times stronger than existing aircraft. This disruptive new design is also expected to double the lifespan of an aircraft while reducing overall block hour cost by half when compared to other aircraft its size.
In addition, SE Aeronautics developed a new “once-through” air feed ventilation system that never recirculates air in the cabin, dramatically reducing the risk of exposure from other infected passengers. This, coupled with their new “tilting” seat design, creates a comfortable experience that economy passengers have yet to experience.
In the past year, several different concepts of aircraft focused on the economy have been presented. Among them, the Flying-V was developed to be a fuel-efficient, long-range vehicle capable of seating 314 passengers, their baggage, and fuel tanks in the wings.