Monday, January 20, 2025

MIND KIT: An all-in-one robotic development kit

The Vincross company has made MIND KIT- a robotic kit for makers, developers, robotics enthusiasts, and a new student who has a dream to start robotics development.

There is no limit to your imagination and creativity. The kit will empower you to make your robot with all the amazing modules and unlimited possibilities. MIND KIT can be the fastest, easiest way to get started with robotics.

The kit has all the robot accessories you will need while developing a robot. The team has also provided a software system and a community forum with tutorials that will help you step-by-step in building a robot.

MIND KIT helps you explore your robotics creativity in a fun way. For example, it would be fun to create a robot sitting on your kitchen table and responding to voice controls for things like ‘Pass the salt and pepper’!

Make a Robot for helping in Kitchen
Make a Robot to help in Kitchen

What will you get in the kit?

It comes with a robotics-optimized operating system- MIND OS. This software system is based on the Linux kernel and built entirely for coding and programming robots. In short, with MIND OS, It will all become simple to create complex robotic and remote IoT applications.

In addition, the kit is integrated with OpenCV, ROS, and other AI libraries, which enables a developer to build seamlessly AI and robotic applications. It also provides an IDE-Integrated Development Environment and an SDK-Software Development Kit so that you can only concentrate on what you want to build.

Easy to Plug-and-play Module

MIND KIT Modules:

It comes with three hardware core modules. The first is a cerebrum, a central processing unit that enables complex AI computation, including computer vision AI and simultaneous location and mapping.

The cerebrum uses ARM Cortex-A53 Quad-Core 1.2GHz for strong computing power and 2GB DDR3 RAM. Also, it includes comprehensive interfaces and ports like 54 programmable pins and USB-C accessories.

The second one is a servo controller that can supply power and simultaneously send signals to up to 20 servo motors.

And then Thirdly, it includes a battery-optimized unit-The high-capacity Lithium-ion battery with a high discharge current of 40A max. It allows you to run both servo motors and AI algorithms.


MIND KIT: Technical Specifications
MIND KIT: Technical Specifications

Along with all these important core modules, the team has developed some other plug-and-play add-on bases and modules for you to build a robot effortlessly. These are as follows:

  • LiDAR: for mapping and navigating
  • Mic Array: for building AI and voice applications
  • Light and Distance measure sensors
  • Rover Base and Soccer Base: for stacking modules on it
  • Tank Base: for stacking extra modules onto it.

All the modules easily click together with the closing of the robot’s arms.’ In addition, MIND KIT ports are also added to the different modules for user comfort.
